Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/2/19

Posted June 2, 2019 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Sunday Post / 40 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.

This past week on FYFA (and in my life):

We went to a neighborhood party on Friday night and met a bunch of the neighbors. Sadly, we’ve lived here 14 years, and we only know a handful of families in our neighborhood (less than 10—and that includes people we barely know). Going to this gathering was a bit out of my comfort zone, especially once I figured out that basically everyone else knew each other well, but I’m glad we went.

My daughter Danielle left for an 11-day trip to Costa Rica this morning (with the Spanish dept at her school). I’m super excited for her—and also a little nervous. If you’re the praying type, feel free to send up some prayers for her safety!

Here’s what you may have missed on the blog since my last Sunday Post:

Book Blogger Birthdays and Blogoversaries:

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Here are the birthdays and blogoversaries for this week! I hope you’ll go wish these bloggers well on their special days! Make sure you check out the calendar to see what you might have just missed or what’s coming up. (If you want to be added to the calendar, it’s easy! Just fill out the birthday/blogoversary form.)

Book Haul:

For Review:

Who can resist beautiful surprise bookmail like this? Not me! I assumed at first that Sorcery of Thorns was a follow-up to An Enchantment of Ravens (which I’ve yet to read, though it’s gotten rave reviews and it’s definitely on my TBR), but it turns out they’re unrelated standalones. Which means I don’t have to wait to read this one. Yay! Thanks to Margaret K. McElderry Books for sending it!


More books I couldn’t resist:

Shatter the Sky, Something Like Gravity, Friend or Fiction, The Dragon Warrior and I Love You So Mochi.

 Great Discussions/Goings On Around the Blogosphere:

Pre-order Campaigns

Listed in order of release date. Any new deals that I just added to the list this week will be denoted with a *** so you can easily find them!

Please note: Almost all pre-order giveaways run “while supplies last,” so I can’t guarantee that they’ll be open until the date listed. Pre-0rder early for your best chance to get all the goodies!

More Awesome Giveaways:

Lots of good stuff! Have any giveaways or great discussions happening on your site right now? Feel free to share them in the comments!


40 responses to “Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/2/19

    • It’s not a mission trip–just a trip with the Spanish dept at school as an opportunity for them to use their Spanish skills and see a Spanish-speaking country up close and personal. 🙂 Mostly I’m just super excited for her, but there’s also that tinge of worry when you send your kiddo away to another country. Hard to turn off the mom-worrying gene. 🙂

  1. I’m really bad at getting to know my neighbors. I lived in our house for over 20 years and was only good friends with one and chatted with about about 3 more. Then we moved and now I have to start over lol

    Thank you for featuring my discussion post and I will be sending all the good thoughts your way for your daughters trip. I can see why it would be both exciting and scary.

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

    • Yeah, we have two families in the neighborhood that we know through our church (though I wouldn’t say we’re super good friends with them—but we know them at least), and then there are some people we’re more like acquaintances with. It’s sad when you’ve lived somewhere for 14 years and that’s all you can really say.

      Thanks for the good thoughts—I’m mostly excited for my daughter, but it’s hard not to worry just a little when you send your kid off to a foreign country without you! 🙂

  2. Yeah, get togethers can be out of my comfort zone too. I tried going to a few during school and it seriously felt like everyone already knew everyone and they were all in their own little circles and I was just staring wide-eyed on the sidelines. It’s scary. Lol.

    Nice new reads! Seeing a lot of hype for Sorcery of Thorns. I hope you end up enjoying it too!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. I hope that the trip to Costa Rica goes well and I will definitely pray for her! Ah, it’s always difficult breaking into new circles but hopefully getting to know your neighbours better goes well 🙂 It’s great that you’re making the effort. AAHHH Sorcery of Thorns! I am so excited for that one so I hope you love it!!

  4. I know a few of my neighbors by sight, but not well, I’m afraid. We all pretty much keep to ourselves. I think my mom knows more of my neighbors than I do–and she lives out of town! I hope your daughter has a good time in Costa Rica. What a great opportunity for her! Have a great week!

    • I’m reading I Love You So Mochi right now–I’m a bit over halfway through and really enjoying it!! Thanks for the prayers for Danielle. She’s going to have a fantastic time, I’m sure, but it’s hard to turn the mom-worrying off! 🙂

  5. I’ve lived in my townhome for over 10 years now I think, and even though there are only 10 homes, the people here aren’t really friendly. I talk to my immediate neighbors, and wave at some who have been here a while as well. But I wish they were more neighborly sometimes. Maybe when I move it will be in a neighborhood with people who get together. Hope your daughter has a good trip!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann
    • We were sad when we moved from our old neighborhood (14 years ago). That neighborhood was new construction, so it was all young families like ours and we knew the neighbors well. Then we moved here (to an older neighborhood) and we felt sort of isolated. Our immediate neighbors were original homeowners, so their kids were already grown, and the park was pretty deserted during the day. It was a sad transition for me.

  6. We don’t know our neighbours particularly well either, one is a teacher at my kids school so socialising is awkward, the other is a rental and the turnover is pretty high.
    Costa Rica sounds like a awesome opportunity for your daughter.
    Sorcery of Thorns is on my wishlist
    Have a great reading week

  7. We’ve been here awhile as well and still only know a handful of neighbors (those closest to us) but it’s okay, sometimes that isn’t a bad thing. 😉
    I hope your daughter has a blast and is safe!!

  8. We have the same situation in our neighborhood. We’ve been in our house for nearly 20 years and know the neighbors beside and behind us, but hardly anyone else in the neighborhood. I think we’re all socially awkward, lol.

    I hope your daughter has a wonderful time in Costa Rica. I’ve heard it’s beautiful there.

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