July Junk Art Creations

July Junk Art Creations

My husband and I worked on a lot more refinishing/building projects than junk art in July (you can see the old cabinet we refinished and gate we made by clicking the link—plus, we’re currently working on a dining room table), but we did finish one junk art project that I’m incredibly proud of—it’s definitely my favorite yet—so I wanted to share it with you. And then I thought I’d also share the gift that my […]

Posted July 23, 2020 in Junk Art / 24 Comments
Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 7/19/20

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 7/19/20

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): We watched: My daughter Danielle and I finished season three of The 100 last night. We’re catching up! We bought a new (used) dining table […]

Posted July 19, 2020 in Sunday Post / 21 Comments
Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag

Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag

Well, I’m a little later than everyone else with this tag this year, but I figure we’re not THAT far past the mid-year point, so I’m still going for it. Besides, it will make me feel better about my current state of non-reading to remember the good things I read earlier in the year. 1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2020 It just so happens I’m going with my two March Best of […]

Posted July 16, 2020 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 35 Comments
Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 7/12/20

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 7/12/20

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Once again, I’m getting this post up very late. We’ve been working on projects all weekend long, and I just didn’t have time to […]

Posted July 12, 2020 in Sunday Post / 22 Comments
Alone by Megan E. Freeman: Cover Reveal Pre-order Giveaway

Alone by Megan E. Freeman: Cover Reveal Pre-order Giveaway

I am incredibly excited to be able to feature my good friend Megan’s debut verse novel, Alone, today! The book is coming out on March 16th of next year, but it is now officially available for pre-order! I just had to help her spread the word and show you all the absolutely stunning cover art, which she just revealed via her social media last week! This gorgeous cover was illustrated by the incredibly talented Pascal Campion. […]

Bite-Sized Reviews of Deeplight, More to the Story, The Female of the Species, and Knockout

Bite-Sized Reviews of Deeplight, More to the Story, The Female of the Species, and Knockout

  I’ve got four reviews for you today: a YA fantasy, a MG contemporary retelling, a YA contemporary and a MG contemporary in verse. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! A fascinating YA fantasy with incredible worldbuilding! Deeplight had me entranced from the very beginning. It reminded me of books by my favorite fantasy author, Robin Hobb, because of its unique worldbuilding and epic-but-not-overly-ponderous fantasy feel. Hardinge’s gorgeous writing […]

Posted July 8, 2020 in Reviews / 16 Comments
Tales of a Social-Media (and Tech) Failure: What’s the Deal with the WordPress Block Editor?

Tales of a Social-Media (and Tech) Failure: What’s the Deal with the WordPress Block Editor?

Okay, this is just going to be a post where I reveal my complete and utter confusion over something technological in regards to the blog. Can you all please enlighten me—what the heck is the deal with the WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor? Will my editor eventually change? A couple of years ago, people started talking about the block editor (lots of people saying that they hated it, but some people do seem to love it), […]

Posted July 7, 2020 in Let's Discuss / 33 Comments
June 2020 Wrap-Up: Did June Happen?

June 2020 Wrap-Up: Did June Happen?

My Goings On in June: Um, June happened, right? Like, honestly, it just pretty much passed me by in ALL ways except puppy and TV watching. I didn’t read. I didn’t write. I barely blogged. And, the worst thing is, it wasn’t because I just decided to give myself some time off, I just couldn’t do those things. Every time I picked up a book I’d fall asleep (puppy exhaustion). I couldn’t find any time or inspiration for […]

Posted July 3, 2020 in Monthly Recap / 45 Comments
July 2020 Discussion Challenge Link-up and Giveaway!

July 2020 Discussion Challenge Link-up and Giveaway!

Welcome to the July monthly link-up for the 2020 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! Summer is here in the Northern Hemisphere! Keep those bookish discussions coming! The winner of our May discussion challenge giveaway was Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books! She picked Taking Down Evelyn Tait by Poppy Nwosu. Hope you love it! If you don’t know what this […]