February 2023 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway!

February 2023 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway!

Welcome to the February monthly link-up for the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! If you don’t know what this challenge is all about or haven’t signed up yet (but want to), head on over to the challenge sign-up page to learn more! Even if you’d rather not join, we hope you’ll stop by occasionally to check out the MANY discussion […]

Posted February 1, 2023 in Book Blog Discussion Challenge / 0 Comments
2022 End of Year Book Survey (& Year in Graphs!)

2022 End of Year Book Survey (& Year in Graphs!)

As I say every year, I’ve adapted this from The Perpetual Page Turner’s End of Year Survey! I’m just barely sneaking this in during January, but I was waiting for my book announcement, and then I had a whole bunch of already previously scheduled posts to go up. So, better late than never? 2022 READING STATS Number of Books You Read: 115 This just happens to be the exact number of books I read last […]

Posted January 30, 2023 in Let's Discuss, Monthly Recap / 10 Comments
Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 1/29/23

Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 1/29/23

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Honestly, this week I’ve mostly been basking in the congratulations that have been rolling in for my MG book deal. I honestly underestimated […]

Posted January 29, 2023 in Sunday Post / 18 Comments
January 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up and Giveaway

January 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up and Giveaway

The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up is hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight. UPDATE: We’ve decided to go with a yearly giveaway for this one, just like the Discussion Challenge. We will have three winners: Two from the usual rafflecopter, and one that we will pick out of the folks who link up every month (via random.org, we’ll just list the names and pick that way)! So commenting […]

One Girl in All the World by Kendare Blake: Review, Giveaway, & Kendare’s Top Ten Addictions!

One Girl in All the World by Kendare Blake: Review, Giveaway, & Kendare’s Top Ten Addictions!

Today I’m featuring ONE GIRL IN ALL THE WORLD, the exciting second book in Kendare Blake’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off! Check out my review, along with Kendare’s list of top ten addictions and a giveaway! BUY IT If you’ve been around the blog, you know that the first book in this series was one of my favorites of 2022. As an avid Buffy fan, I love seeing old friends in new situations, and I […]

Multicultural Children’s Book Day! Where We Come From by Diane Wilson, Sun Yung Shin, Shannon Gibney, and John Coy, Illustrated by Dion MBD

Multicultural Children’s Book Day! Where We Come From by Diane Wilson, Sun Yung Shin, Shannon Gibney, and John Coy, Illustrated by Dion MBD

Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2023 (1/26/22) is in its 10th year! This non-profit children’s literacy initiative was founded by Valarie Budayr and Mia Wenjen; two diverse book-loving moms who saw a need to shine the spotlight on all of the multicultural books and authors on the market while also working to get those books into the hands of young readers and educators. Ten years in, MCBD’s mission is to raise awareness of the ongoing need […]

Posted January 23, 2023 in Reviews / 1 Comment
Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 1/22/23

Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 1/22/23

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Well, this happened … Click on the picture to see the picture bigger and to read my post about MY DEBUT MG NOVEL!! […]

Posted January 22, 2023 in Sunday Post / 10 Comments
Announcing My Debut MG Novel in Verse!

Announcing My Debut MG Novel in Verse!

I’ve been hinting and hinting, and now I can finally shout the news from the rooftops: ORPHAN’S SONG, my MG novel in verse is coming in early 2025! I got the offer from Feiwel & Friends back in September and signed the contract in December, so it’s officially official! You can find my announcement on Twitter and Instagram as well (just click those links to see them). I can’t wait to share more with you […]

Posted January 19, 2023 in Book Events, Let's Discuss / 41 Comments
Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 1/15/23

Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 1/15/23

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Not much to say about this week. We’ve just been chugging along; the week has had its ups and downs on my daughter’s […]

Posted January 15, 2023 in Sunday Post / 13 Comments
Seven Percent of Ro Devereux by Ellen O’Clover: Review & Ellen’s Top Ten Addictions

Seven Percent of Ro Devereux by Ellen O’Clover: Review & Ellen’s Top Ten Addictions

Today I’m featuring SEVEN PERCENT OF RO DEVEREAUX by Ellen O’Clover, an addictive best-friends-to-enemies-to-lovers YA romance. Read on for my review of the book, and then make sure you also check out Ellen’s list of top ten addictions to find out more about the author! This delightful YA contemporary romance explores the complicated quandaries that can occur when pursuing your dreams, regardless of the costs. Ro writes an app (with the help of a behavioral […]

Posted January 11, 2023 in Author Top Ten Lists, Reviews / 6 Comments