7th Blogoversary Giveaways!!

Posted January 31, 2020 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Birthday/Blogoversary, Giveaways (Ended) / 88 Comments

That’s right, Feed Your Fiction Addiction is seven years old today, and I feel like celebrating! This book blog has led to so many amazing things in my life, and I’d like to say thank you to all of you who have taken the journey with me.

In the past seven years, I’ve posted:

Over 1818 total posts (I’ve deleted some over the years, so it’s actually well over this number.)

211 discussions

1003 reviews (Some of these were made private when I changed my review policy.)(11 of them were dual reviews with friends!)

Over 393 giveaways

42 author top ten lists (mostly authors’ top ten addictions)

332 Sunday Posts (which include pre-order deals & giveaways from around the blogosphere)

75 Top Ten Tuesdays

81 monthly wrap-up posts

6 April Fools’ posts

11 Fun with Spam posts

Also of Note:

  • I’ve done one major redesign of the blog. Also, this year, I updated my fox girl with purple hair to match mine!
  • I’ve co-hosted the Book Blog Discussion Challenge for the past five years with Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight.
  • And I’ve hosted the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up for four years.
  • I’ve posted a master list of Reading and Book Blogging Challenges for the past four years.
  • I’ve attended three SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators) conferences and one WIFYR (Writing & Illustrating for Young Readers) workshop conference.
  • I’ve attended MANY bookish events, including BEA (twice), ALA, and RT, not to mention all the smaller events and signings I’ve had the privilege of attending.
  • I’ve gotten over 3800 Bloglovin’ followers and over 3000 Twitter followers.
  • I got a little better at Instagram (thanks to some wonderful advice from you guys). I’m also up to over 600 followers there.
  • I’ve edited and/or proofread over 35 books!
  • I’ve written two complete novels (at least up to a first draft) and am working on a third.
    • I finished my MG novel, and managed to land an agent. I’m currently on submission with that book!
    • I finished my first draft of a YA novel (most of it was written during NaNo 2017). I’ve begun revisions but haven’t gotten very far.
    • I’m currently working on a MG novel in verse.
  • I’ve met TONS of amazing people, including YOU!!

To celebrate my blogoversary, I’ve decided to do THREE giveaways, one here on the blog, one on Twitter and one on Instagram. For all of these, I’m giving one of you, my loyal readers, your choice of ANY BOOK YOU WANT (up to a $20 value). All giveaways are open internationally as long as TBD delivers to you.



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It’s Feed Your Fiction Addiction’s 7th Blogoversary so I’m having giveaway!! . ENTER TO WIN ANY BOOK YOU WANT!!! (1 book up to a $20 value) . To enter: ?Follow me! (and keep following) ?Tag a friend in the comments, each friend you tag counts as an entry! ?For an extra entry, repost this photo on your story or page. Be sure to tag me so I can count your entry! ?For even more chances to win a book, enter the (separate) giveaways on my blog and Twitter (check bio for link) . . Giveaway ends on March 4th. Open internationally as long as The Book Depository ships to you. Disclaimer: This giveaway is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Instagram. Good Luck!! ??? . #giveaways #bookgiveaway #entertowin #booksofinstagram #booklove #readerslife #readinglove #readersofinstagram #bestbooks #bookblogger #bookbloggers #shelflove #booklove #booklife #biblio #bibliophile #bibliofriends #alwaysreading

A post shared by Nicole Hewitt (@nicolefictionaddiction) on

And, for the third giveaway, just follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


88 responses to “7th Blogoversary Giveaways!!

  1. Danielle Hammelef

    Happy Blogoversary! I love your blog and am so happy I found you to share all things bookish. Someday you will sign a book or two (more!) for me. Cheers to many more years of blogging!

    • If you want to know a secret, I prefer blogiversary too. It makes more sense to go with anniversary. But somehow when I went to go celebrate my first, I ended up seeing everyone spelling it the other way, and I figured that must be “how it’s spelled.” It wasn’t until much later that I saw some people spelling it with an i, and I was like, “Hey, why didn’t I do that?” By then I already had my birthday and blogoversary calendar and everything, and it would have been way too much work to change all my graphics, etc. So, blogoversary it is for me! 🙂

  2. Happy Blogoversary!! 7 years is amazing!! I can’t believe it’s been that long! Of course I say the same thing about myself! Sometimes I’m more like it’s only been that long? Lol! I feel like I’ve been blogging forever and it’s something I continue to enjoy by the day!

  3. Happy blogoversary, Nicole! ❤ I’m amazed (but not at all surprised) looking at everything you’ve accomplished in your 7 years of blogging! As a newer blogger I always love seeing older bloggers take stock of how they’ve grown and what they’ve accomplished. It always inspires me and makes me hopeful for all the things the future has in store!

    Malka @ Paper Procrastinators recently posted: Review of All-American Muslim Girl
  4. shooting

    Congrats on 7 years!! You’ve always been one of my favorite bloggers, and people in general since I’ve gotten the chance to meet you in person! I hope that the next 7 years and beyond are just as amazing and successful for you!!!


  5. SEVEN YEARS that is wonderful, Nicole! Though I just about choked on my water when I saw that we have been hosting the Discussion Challenge for five! FIVE YEARS for real!?! And THEN I realized that I will be celebrating 7 years this year too because Sammy will be 7 in October and then I died and you are talking to a ghost. Where the heck does the time go!? WELL. You have done such an amazing job with your blog, I am SO proud of you!!

    And your writing continues to inspire me- I cannot believe you are doing a book in verse, that has to be one of the scariest things I can think of (well, for me hah) and I am like, beyond impressed and ALSO excited to read it and extra also excited for you to be famous ♥♥

    Happy blogoversary, Nicole, and here’s to many more to come!!

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: Unity Days 2020
    • Your “extra excited for you to be famous” totally made me laugh—I’m sure fame and fortune is just around the corner for me! 🙂

      And, yes, seven years feels like a crazy long time—and then like not long enough as well? In some ways I feel like I’ve been blogging forever!!!

  6. Congrats on your 7th Blogoversary, Nicole! It’s neat to see your stats and how far you’ve come in seven years! Some neat things for me to learn were how many books you’v edited/proofread and how you’re working on your third novel right now.

    Crystal recently posted: Monthly Rewind: January 2020
  7. Lily M.

    Hi!!! Happy Blogoversary!!! Wow! 7 years, I font even remember what I was doing seven years ago 🙂 hope you are having a good day and I hope you have many years on this blog :):)

  8. So exciting — congrats!

    I’m really looking forward to your in-verse novel. My students love that sort of book, and it really helps stretch their minds.

  9. _Sandra_

    Happy blogoversary and wishing you many more amazing to come! 🙂
    Thank you for a generous giveaway!

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