Summer Lovin’ Read-a-thon Day 2 – Must-Have Summer Reads and Cover Re-do

Summer Lovin’ Read-a-thon Day 2 – Must-Have Summer Reads and Cover Re-do

Today is day 2 of the Summer Lovin’ Read-a-thon.  So far, I’m doing well with my goals, but I haven’t been able to get around to other people’s posts as much as I would like.  My internet connection has been really spotty for the past two days and it’s making it very hard to get anything done!  I’m hoping to go visit more challenge entries today, though (cross your fingers for me that the guy who […]

Posted July 2, 2013 in Challenges / 20 Comments
Summer Lovin’ Read-a-thon Introduction & Teaser Tidbits

Summer Lovin’ Read-a-thon Introduction & Teaser Tidbits

Today is the first day of the Summer Lovin’ Read-a-thon and I’m so excited to be participating!  This should be fun week, so get ready to come along for the ride! Today’s post is just supposed to share an introduction and to present our goals.  I have to admit that I’m not a great goal-setter, but I’m going to do my best! Who are you?  My name is Nicole and I am a homeschooling mom […]

Posted July 1, 2013 in Challenges / 4 Comments
Sunday (Monday?) Post 6/30/13

Sunday (Monday?) Post 6/30/13

Well, due to internet problems (grrrr…..), this week’s Sunday post is going up on Monday.  Sorry about that!The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what’s coming up on my blog for the week ahead.  Last week on FYFA: Girls Love Travis Walker by […]

Posted July 1, 2013 in Sunday Post / 0 Comments
Review: The New Hunger by Isaac Marion

Review: The New Hunger by Isaac Marion

The New Hunger as my June Random Read (I just barely got this read in June, but I did it!).  This is a novella prequel to Warm Bodies and I honestly wasn’t that excited about reading it, but I’m very glad that I did!  I think I liked the prequel better than I liked Warm Bodies because it really delved into what it felt like to live in Marion’s zombie world.  This novella gave us […]

Posted July 1, 2013 in Random Reads, Reviews / 2 Comments
Review: Poison by Bridget Zinn

Review: Poison by Bridget Zinn

Poison is a delightfully cute and light fantasy novel.  The book is published by Disney Hyperion, which makes complete sense because it fits right into their wheelhouse – I could easily see this as a Disney movie!  The book was the perfect diversion from some of the darker fantasy and dystopian novels that I read and I loved it! The story centers around Kyra, a young potions master who is on the run after attempting […]

Posted June 29, 2013 in Reviews / 5 Comments
Sunday Post 6/23/13

Sunday Post 6/23/13

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what’s coming up on my blog for the week ahead.  Last week on FYFA: Rift Healer by Diane M. Haynes (book blast & giveaway) – still time to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! Top Ten […]

Posted June 24, 2013 in Sunday Post / 0 Comments
Feature & Follow Friday – Literary Quotes

Feature & Follow Friday – Literary Quotes

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves! The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week! So, if you’re a blogger, come join in on the fun! Here’s today’s question […]

Posted June 21, 2013 in Feature and Follow / 10 Comments
ARC Review: Viral Nation by Shaunta Grimes

ARC Review: Viral Nation by Shaunta Grimes

Title: Viral Nation Author: Shaunta Grimes Release Date: July 2, 2013 Pages: 320, Paperback Goodreads Rating: 4.2 stars My Rating: 4/5 stars Content Rating: PG Summary from Goodreads: After a virus claimed nearly the entire global population, the world changed. The United States splintered into fifty walled cities where the surviving citizens clustered to start over. The Company, which ended the plague by bringing a life-saving vaccine back from the future, controls everything. They ration the scant food and supplies through a lottery […]

Posted June 21, 2013 in Reviews / 13 Comments
Top Ten Tuesday (Top Ten Summer Reads) & Teaser Tuesday (Jack Templar, Monster Hunter)

Top Ten Tuesday (Top Ten Summer Reads) & Teaser Tuesday (Jack Templar, Monster Hunter)

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is the top ten books on my summer reading TBR list.  Here goes! Long Overdue (Meaning, everyone else has already read these!)        City of Bones – With the movie coming out soon, I really want to read this one. Cinder – I wasn’t sure if I was interested in this book or not at first.  Cyborgs are not always my thing.  But, it has gotten such rave reviews from so many people that I’ve […]

Posted June 19, 2013 in Teaser Tuesday, Top Ten Tuesday / 13 Comments
Sunday Post 6/16/13

Sunday Post 6/16/13

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what’s coming up on my blog for the week ahead.  Last week on FYFA: Never Let You Fall by Michele G. Miller (review/top 10 list/giveaway) – giveaway ends tonight – last few hours to win! Obsidian by […]

Posted June 17, 2013 in Sunday Post / 4 Comments